Happy Stories Fair

Sighisoara, 1.09.2017 – On 1st of September we joined together in Sala Sander to share our EVS stories.

We all are here together in this experience but all of our stories are different, from the way we found out about EVS to the way we travelled to Romania. So we created a “Happy Stories Fair” to have the opportunity to share our stories with each other and guests.

Some of us travelled far and long with a lot of complications but for some of us it was an easy journey. We all met at different times and our perceptions of each other were completely different, but with time we got to know and love one another. And even if we sometimes don’t get along, it’s just another challenge that we are ready to accept.

Some stories were funny, some were very emotional but all of them made us understand each other more because we also shared more from our backgrounds and life before EVS. We are all different but we are a family and we accept our differences.

For me and a lot of other volunteers it was a first time travelling alone to a different country which can be a very daunting and scary experience but when you succeed at it you feel much more confident and powerful.

Living between different nationalities and cultures can really expand your way of thinking and open you up to new possibilities. I think that EVS is a once in a lifetime experience that you should take and jump into! You will gain friends, experiences and stories for a lifetime.

So what is your next adventure?


Article by: Daina Laizane 

Give us a hint ... Let's develop great projects together !!!


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