Sighisoara Multilingva

Sighisoara Multilingva  2 EVS Stages  from 2016 to 2017

Stage 1:    01.07.2016 – 14.02.2017, Sighisoara, Romania (7 ½ months)


Partner associations: Jump In(Italy), SEIKLEJATE VENNASKOND(Estonia) and TAMBOUR BATTANT(France)



Here we go 🙂 We arrived at the end of the first stage of Sighisoara Multilingva project.
We thank from the heart to those 6 wonderful young people who during this 7 months and half have contributed to the development of youngsters and adults; who with enthusiasm, energy and creativity have used non formal education methods for teaching languages like English, French and Italian; have learned to work around like a team and to manage a big teenagers and children team.

Among the results of the first stage we mention: organizing 44 learning sessions within the three language classes: English (beginners and advanced), French and Italian; Opening a library at Centrul de Voluntariat Sighisoara; translate 24 Wikipedia pages with information about historic monuments and buildings in town in French, Italian and Estonian; Creating a movie “A Day of EVS” for promoting the experience and the benefits of following a volunteering stage in European Voluntary Service.

Other activities which Wild Carpathia has organized for and with nine EVS volunteers and local volunteers and collaborators from July 2016 to February 2017: “DID YOU KNOW” – contest of general knowledge, creativity and innovation; “Games Friday” – evenings of games and team competitions; Themed parties; 4 Cultural evenings; interviews about lifestyle of Sighisoara people etc.

Thank you Tizi, LauLau, Hendrik, Maria Sole, Karo and Jean!
Dear volunteers of stage two, we are ready for you!♥

Results of the Satge 1:

Sighisoara Multilingva photo booklet

Stage 2:    1.04.2017 – 15.11.2017, Sighisoara, Romania (7 ½  months)

Partner associations: Fundació Catalunya Voluntària(Spain) and Jump In(Italy)

  • between 11 – 12 June 2016 – we had in Sighisoara a short organisational visit, an Advance Planing Visit with the coordinators from Jump In, SEIKLEJATE VENNASKOND and TAMBOUR BATTANT association. We got together for analizig our future activities and actions and to assure that our EVS volunteers will have a great experience in the project.


  • between 11 – 12 February 2017 – we had the second APV for which we had as guests Jump In and FCV.
