EVS promotion

Promoting EVS in schools

Volunteering is a great way to give something back to the community, to have some work experience and see the world from a different ancle. So as volunteers it is our duty to share our beautiful experience with others and courage them to take a step on a volunteering journey by themselves.

On the 9th and 10th November our Heal2 and Multilingva volunteers visited local schools to speak about volunteering and Erasmus+. And of course healthy lifestyle as it is part of being a volunteer. Between  all the speaking we kept the energy up buy jumping, dancing and „killing the rabbit“ with our hands.

When in the beginning some students thought that volunteering is a paid job or only work-work-work then in the end of the day they went to home knowing there is a lot more. Travelling, learning new languages, meeting new people, making friendships and getting to know different cultures is something that being a volunteer abroad can give you in a short periood of time. Where else you will have the opportunity to live in the same house with Italians, Serbians, Greeks or Estonians. And even though you maybe will find weird that some people do not bother to wear shoes, you will make friends for a life time.

Volunteering abroad is amazing experience but it might get crazy time to time. That is why it’s important not to forget to take care of yourself. Drinking water, eating healhty food like vegetables and fruits, doing sport, not smoking and keeping your spirit and mind awake are quite simple things to do but still not everyone is following them. Everybody knows that doing sport is good for you and we were happy to see that there students among us who played football or practised dancing. But same important is also to keep your mind clear. Having a hobby like reading books, listening music or visiting theatre is very important part of healthy lifestyle. And why nott o meditate. At first it seemed funny to close your eyes in the middle of the class but I believe all students enjoyed it somehow.

In the end of the class we saw sparkles and interest in the students eyes. Are they future volunteers or not, we don’t know but at least we brought variety to their normal school day and left with a lot of positive energy.

Article and pictures by Liina Punamäe

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