Incredible PUGLIA

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Our partners from The Cultural Association JUMP IN, Apulia PROMOTION, Regional Agency for Tourism and PUGLIA, Tourism Department, Culture and Tourism Organize a cultural event titled “DISCOVER PUGLIA” from 14 to 21 December  in the town of Poggiardo  and other municipalities in the Province of Lecce.

The event involve 22 opinion leaders, bloggers, representatives of associations, media professionals, from Turkey , Poland , Romania, Hungary , Israel,  who will be involved in activities related to the tourism , gastronomy and culture.

“The idea of the project starts from the consideration that the culture and culinary traditions that identify our people are a great way to raise awareness and increase our reality a type of cultural tourism, which is a source of seasonal adjustment because not tied exclusively to the seaside.

The Educational is a way to learn, to experience, to appreciate, to share the traditions and the modus vivendi of the other; is one of the privileged ways towards multiculturalism.

“DISCOVER PUGLIA” is a project of regional tourism promotion that focuses on the objective of the improvement, which can be translated into economic growth for all the Apulian territory.

Enjoy the local produce is one of the best ways to learn about the culture of a place, often made up of unwritten traditions, handed down from father to son, generation after generation. The typical product comes from nature, it grows with the man, speaks for itself.

The aims of the event are the promotion of food and wine from Salento inherent traditions and valuing of cultural and territorial whose use does not ends in two months (only the summer ones) but is spread over a longer time.”

Journalists, videographers, bloggers and personalities involved with various capacities in the world of italian and european communication and media, visit for a week the Apulian territory, its architectural features and its natural beauty, its farms and the many workers of the agri-food business that animate the territory.

The educational DISCOVER PUGLIA Is organized by cultural  Association JUMP IN, Apulia PROMOTION, Regional Agency for Tourism and PUGLIA, Tourism Department, Culture and Tourism Organize from 14 to 21 December  in the town of Poggiardo  and other municipalities in the Province of Lecce.The ‘goal of “DISCOVER PUGLIA ” is to show to the general public in Europe a “different” Puglia and to create a new integrated tourism promotion, in which the history and culture of Puglia, its natural landscapes of the hinterland and the amazing and diverse food heritage can live together.

The professionals guests of ” DISCOVER PUGLIA ” therefore have the opportunity to visit Otranto, Lecce and other centers of attraction in the area, but also a thorough knowledge of the hinterland and its farms with its features still well preserved; they still have the opportunity to taste and especially cooking, along with a group of “moms Puglia”, typical dishes of the Apulian cuisine such as the famous “pasta fresca”.

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