Wild Carpathia & VicoloCorto Partnership (Feb-July 2018)

Asociatia Wild Carpathia este partenera asociatiei Vicolocorto din Italia si impreuna cu Crucea Rosie din Pesaro desfasoara un proiect de voluntariat extraordinar … Oferim cu aceasta ocazie oportunitatea unui tanar din Romania cu varsta intre 18 – 30 de ani de a participa ca voluntar in perioada 02/11/2017 – 31/08/2018 (10 luni). Participarea tanarului va fi in totalitate gratuita si toate costurile de intretinere ii vor fi acoperite implicand, cazare, mancare si chiar bani de buzunar.

In acest proiect vor fi implicati in total 4 voluntari internationali si anume cate unul din fiecare tara Romania, Spania, Portugalia si Ungaria iar

“the tasks of the EVS volunteers in this project will be to support Vicolocorto organization’s activities for the refugees integration with the local community and youth sector activities and the following “ordinary” activities organised by the local Red Cross in 5 different areas, as support staff of local red cross volunteers and professionals:
– Social and cultural entertainment activities in rest homes for elderly people
– Food distribution activities: On daily basis will take part to distribution of food to the poor families, in cooperation with the Municipality of Pesaro, in a long term perspective of personal support.
– Information and awareness campaigns: meetings with students and organising prevention and intervention workshops about different topics and issues (first aid, drug and alcohol abuse, prevention of diseases…)
– Press office support: support in the realisation of media products, information press campaigns, to spread the values and activities realised by Red Cross.
– Fundraising office: support in the fundraising campaigns

Pentru cei interesati de acest proiect va rog sa lasati un mesaj sau sa trimiteti un email la adresa asociatiei wildcarpathia@gmail.com impreuna cu CV-ul si o scurta scrisoare de motivatie.

Totalitatea aplicatiilor voastre vor fi colectate pana la data de 30/07/2017 iar persoanele ce vor trece de prima selectie vor sustine un scurt interviu anterior selectiei finale.

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Alexandra Negrei

Give us a hint ... Let's develop great projects together !!!


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