Treasure Hunt of Sighisoara – 1st edition

Are you wearing a belt? How can you live on rocks? What do poor people have that rich people need? Write I love you in 8 different languages!

Sighisoara, 13.09.2017 – Last Wednesday, Multilingva team organized their weekly games night on a whole new level that was challenging not only for kids but volunteers too (as part of the team with no kids I can assure you). We ran to wrong places and walked on streets that we had never been on and being lost made us totally happy. References from different places and songs made us see our favourite spots in Sighisoara with a new view.

Treasure hunt should be a type of a workout, ’cause all that running and climbing stairs is definitely good for our physical health. At the last spot we had to taste an amazing drink of oil and salt, and guess what it’s made of (though I think we should have skipped this part and make only finalists do it).

These kind of events are not only fun for kids but are also a bonding experience between us, cause in the moments when you need to decide under pressure and work in a team, you feel closer to people you are working with.

Finguring out where to go from a map drawn by hand is actually easier than going with GPS. And seeing a friend at a spot you need to find is such a relief – yes, you’re in the right place.

And experiences like theese make me think – Yes, I’m in the right place.

Article and pictures by: Daina Laizane 

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